I have been here for 61 days now and every day has been pretty much the same. When I first arrived the highs were about 28 degrees with the low temperatures at night getting to around 18. The temperatures increased after the first couple of weeks and it has been pretty much highs of around 32-35 with lows around 25 the entire time. There have been a few overcast or hazy days and some days more breezy than others, but other than that every day has felt exactly the same. There was one exception on Saturday night, when we were having our dinner out by the pool we felt more than a few rain drops that lasted about 5 minutes. We all got excited because it was such an anomaly.

Today I was working at my desk and there was rumour that it was raining outside. I jumped up and went out to the balcony that is off the coffee area to see if it was true. But if it was, it was just a sprinkle and had finished by the time I got there. I was a little disappointed because I really miss having changes in the weather! The monsoon season apparently does not start until about mid May, so the chances of me seeing any significant rain is quite low. I know for those of you in Vancouver wading through the puddles - you are feeling a lot of sympathy for me right now!
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