April 9, 2010

Kerala - final days

My last few days will be spent at a beach resort near Alleppey.  I am at a beach called Marari at a decent resort with not much to do other than try to stay cool and read and swim.  It is very hot here and I went for a hour walk this morning and came back drenched.  The pool is lovely, but the water temperature has to be about 30 degrees C - just slightly cooler than the air temps.  Have been swimming lots, but I now miss the days when I first arrived at Bangalore and the swimming pool was about 17 degrees! I am reluctant to swim in the ocean as I was told that it is not a very good idea as the local fisher men use the beach for cleaning fish and their own personal outhouse.  On the upside, I am getting a really nice tan and am totally relaxed.  It is going to be difficult to come back to work mode in one week!

The house boat was nice, but very over priced.  It was called deluxe, but maybe by India standards it was.  The lake did not look clean enough to swim in, but the breeze off the water was great and to top it off had another great lightniing show. Couldn't stay outside and watch all of it as the mosquitos came out and tried to eat me alive!  It was the worst I had seen them since I got to India.   Thank goodness I have been religiouly taking my malaria pills.  Got some good picutres though and thought I might be able to load them up here on this hotel lap top, but to no avail.  You will just have to wait until I get back to Vancouver!


  1. Hope you enjoy your travelling Susan - maybe you are even back in Vancouver now? Funny when I read about you not being bothered about going to the Taj Mahal - I went as a day trip from Delhi - 5 hrs each way in a taxi. It was a fun day out just to see evything on the way and I have to say that the Taj Mahal is simply stunning!

  2. Yes, I have heard it is amazing, but I guess I will have to come back to India again someday and see it then! Have very much enjoyed the scenery in South India though, so no regrets at all.

    Am back in Vancouver on Tuesday, almost home!!!

  3. GET HOME Susan!! The BP is waiting. (Hope you enjoyed your experience over there)

  4. In Hong Kong right now and will be in the air in less than an hour!

    Can't wait to have sub 30 degree temperatures again!

    Hopefully see you running on Sunday?
