April 4, 2010

Kerala vacation - first few days

A quick update on my first few days of my vacation.  I flew Thursday morning to Kochin, which I think is the biggest city in the state.  I was met by my driver and a representative from the company who arranged my tour.  Was taken to my hotel and settled in and then went for a quick walk around the area before I was to be taken around sight seeing.  I was in heaven right away as I was able to just walk out of my hotel and wander around.  There were even side walks!

My driver then took me to some touristy areas over in Fort Kocin.  walked around the shops and then the beaches and watched some of the fishermen and then I went to a traditional dance...  It was interesting, but not something I normally would have gone to.

The next morning after breakfast was a drive to Munnar.  Being Easter Friday there was very little traffic on the roads and what normally takes about 5 or 6 hours, took just over 3.  It was a great drive as we left the city and started climbing the hills.  We got up into the tea plantations and I just loved it!  The tea plantations are just beautfiul, green organized farms that I wish I could show you pictures of.  Once I am able to post some pictures, you will see how amazing it is.  Munnar is not very big, and my hotel was about 10K out of town up in the hills overlooking a very large valley.  To top it all off, I was provided a very impressive lightning show last night!  Managed a little run and walked a ton and just enjoyed being in the clean air.

This morning we left the tea plantations and are now in Periyar.  Actually that is the name of the lake and animal reserve and I already forget the name of the town.  I am in a very nice hotel, but am in town and don't have a spectacular view this time.  Will be going for a hike in the nature reserve tomorrow and will let you know if I see any tigers!

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