February 2, 2010

quick update

I tried a short swim and treadmill run today. Swam about a kilometer and got nice and cold and then jumped directly onto a treadmill and didn't start sweating until the last couple of minutes into my 5k! This will be a good strategy for the future. My last couple of treadmill runs have been difficult because I overheat within minutes. The sun shines directly down on the gym at that time of the morning. This is the best time for me to run so I will just have to get used to it.

It has only been a few days of work, but so far my days are long and pretty unexciting. I get up, work out for about an hour, have breakfast and then start prep for the day. Go to the office before noon and work with the group until just after 2:00. We then go for lunch down at the food court and then back to work until about 8:00. Come back to the hotel, have dinner, respond to a few emails and then to bed because I am so exhausted!


  1. Great to keep up to date with you Susan. We will miss you at orca's this weekend :( Sounds like you are keeping active though and pretty determined with the cold water swimming - maybe you should have taken your wet suit with you! Take care xxxx Ellie

  2. Thanks Ellie, I hope you have a great race at Orcas Island. I will think of all of you there running in the trails as I plug away on my treadmill! I would love race reports from everyone. (feeling a little left out here!)
